Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Past

No good pictures of Lily from tonight, so here are some old ones:

Late 1960s - me, Frankie, Mary, Manny, Joey, Linda, Michael. I'd love to know who that is with the red sock on the right. I'm wondering if this was Halloween or some other party?

Maybe this is what started my fear of clowns.

Lee in the infamous clown costume. I think every kid in our extended family wore it.

Me as a witch.


aunt lee said...

That first photo must have been New Year's or something because both sides of the family are there. I wonder what ever happened to that clown costume.

Anonymous said...

This was one of those wonderful masquerade partys the Castillion Society held at the Anchor Club in Port Jefferson. My parents always invited your parents and Sarah and Dominick and Family. There was always a pinata and awards for the best costume. I think you won the year you were a clown Deb.
Mary B.

spleeness said...

You are so adorable! And so is Lily with all the leaves!