Saturday, October 18, 2008

Dead Animal Zoo

Lily seems to have lost interest in her "Dead Animal Zoo," which, from a parenting perspective, is kind of a relief. It also gives me some very cooperative photography subjects.

Petrified alligator claw purchased at a gas station on I-95 in Florida.

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Sick Apple

We went to visit Lee in NYC a couple of weekends ago. Unfortunately, Michael got sick as soon as we arrived and didn't leave Lee's apartment from Friday night to Monday morning. Our plans for Coney Island and surprising relatives out east got derailed, so we enjoyed a "girls' weekend" in the city. We went to Times Square and rode the ferris wheel at Toys R Us, went to FAO Schwartz (or FAO Shorts, as Lily called it), had lunch at a real counter luncheonette, and went perfume shopping. Lily's favorite part? The subway rides.

The patient.

Wiped out from a day on the town.

But not too wiped out to have fun with the PlayFoam we got at FAO Shorts.