Saturday, August 16, 2008

Up North

We made the annual pilgrimage to Wisconsin this summer. Mike and Lily drove up at the end of July, and then I followed later by plane. See more Wisconsin photos on Flickr.

A teeny tiny little plane.

Lily drive the pontoon boat for real.

Don and Joann

Lily and the loon.


The whole family.


Musi and Hoxie on alert.

The leech that was really stuck on Lily! Eeeeeeew.

Lily and her friends Rose and Grace from across the lake.

Michael building a fire for smores.

Days end.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Giantess

Lily had her 4-year doctor appointment today. She was a trouper about the 4 shots. And, she's 43 inches tall! That's the 99% percentile. Where does that come from? According to an online height calculator, she'll be 5' 8" tall. Wouldn't that be cool?