Saturday, July 26, 2008

Night Photos

Lee gave me a gift certificate for a photo class for my birthday, and I finally used it last night to take a class in night photography. Thanks Lee!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fish Tank

Grandma and Grandpa have a very cool fish tank. The first thing is an anemone, no idea what the other things are called!

Plastic Jesus Update

Plastic Jesus spent his first night at our house at a ball with Plastic Cinderella and Plastic Mowgli. His second night, he got to take a bath with Lily. Not only did Plastic Jesus not walk on water (as promised by the little booklet that came with him), he sank straight to the bottom of the tub. Lily's first crisis of faith?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sweet Jesus

Yesterday I took Lily shopping with me, and she was such a good girl I told her she could pick out any toy (at Marshall's) that was under $3. She spent a solid 15 minutes perusing the toys, looking over Bratz dolls (no way), princess stuff, and all sorts of sparkly things. This is what she picked. She thinks the one in white is a girl.