Every weekend morning, all year long - regardless of the weather, Mike, Lily and Baci take an early morning walk on one of our local trails. Lily and Mike have their own private language for the various trails - Broken Bridge Forest (although the broken bridge has been fixed), the Reservoir, Poo Park. I stay home - I let them do daddy-daughter bonding, and use the time to get stuff done around the house. This morning's hike was to "Hole in the Rock Forest," and, given the beautiful weather, the earnest invitation from Lily, and the promise of a breakfast picnic, I went along.

At the start of the trail.

The dog that keeps on ticking. I swear it's these walks that are keeping her alive.

Monkey girl.

The breakfast picnic.

The view from the picnic.

The namesake hole in the rock.

I should go on these walks more often.