Saturday, January 1, 2011


Michael and Lily get home from Chicago tonight, so I occupied my last day by going downtown. I saw The King's Speech (pretty good), got a massage, and played with my camera (Lensbaby lens, which can make things look like miniatures, and HDR processing).

Our new skating rink.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Christmas Card Photo Shoot

As usual, Lil was a trouper, but I did have to compensate her with an hour of soccer playing and playground fun. She doesn't actually pose - I just take a million photos and hope for the best.

The hat was worn to hide the much-disliked boy haircut.

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Okay, so this one's not a keeper.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Christmas morning at Don and Joann's. Lily was so patient while everyone got coffee!

She got a real camera!

Andrew, Stuart, Lisa, and John.

Frank and Claire.

Many, many thanks to Don and Joann for a lovely visit, to Uncle Emil for the wonderful Italian seafood Christmas Eve, and to Christine and Kurt for opening their home on Christmas day.

And to Michael for finally taking me to SuperDawg!