Saturday, March 7, 2009

Paella and Family

Cousin kate b. is an art student (a very talented one!). This is from her blog:

our family loves to eat. on my mom's side we're very spanish... like 99% at least. and we spaniards love seafood and meat and yellow rice (and who can omit sangria) and paella just combines all our favorites into one amazing dish that takes all day and lots of family to make. paella never ceases to bring family and friends together in our closely-knit crowd, even if some people just stop by to eat. More...


And here's the real thing, in Aunt Mary's backyard. We have much bigger paella pans!


kate b. said...

all this talk about paella for the past 4 days is making me crave it so much!!! yummmm

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love your cousin's drawing, she is so talented!

Anonymous said...

Can you send the paella recipe?

Last week, I had some great paella (not as good as Kelly's, of course - or the perfect paellas of Barcelona) and am looking for more recipes.

Jo said...

To think that we served YOU paella for dinner still mortifies me. :)

Deb said...

Oh please Jo, your paella was great!